Add several covariates to movement observations
add several covariates to a data frame with movement
information. It adds : distance between location, spatial angle, speed,
smoothed speed, persistence and rotation velocity (calculated with spatial
add_covariates(x, ...)
# S3 method for Move
add_covariates(x, coord.names = c("x", "y"), ...)
# S3 method for ltraj
add_covariates(x, coord.names = c("x", "y"), ...)
# S3 method for data.frame
coord.names = c("x", "y"),
smoothed = FALSE,
timecol = "dateTime",
units = "hour",
radius = NULL,
movement data
additional arguments
names of coordinates column in x
whether speed are smoothed or not
names of POSIXct time column
units for time calculation. Default "hour"
for spatial angle calculations
data.frame with additional covariates