plot segmented movement data on a map.
interactive = FALSE,
html = FALSE,
scale = 1,
UTMstring = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs",
width = 400,
height = 400,
order = NULL,
pointsize = 1,
linesize = 0.5,
coord.names = c("x", "y"),
the data.frame with the different variable
outputs of the segmentation or segclust algorithm for one number of segment
should graph be interactive with leaflet ?
should the graph be incorporated in a markdown file through htmltools::tagList()
for dividing coordinates to have compatibility with leaflet
projection of the coordinates
should cluster be ordered
size of points
size of lines
names of coordinates
additional arguments
a ggplot object
if (FALSE) {
#res.seg is a result of the segmentation-only algorithm :
nseg = 10
outputs = res.seg$outputs[[paste(nseg, "segments")]]
map <- map_segm(data=res.seg$data,output=outputs)
#res.segclust is a result of the segmentation-clusturing algorithm :
nseg = 10; ncluster = 3
outputs = res.segclust$outputs[[paste(ncluster,"class -",nseg, "segments")]]
map <- map_segm(data=res.seg$data,output=outputs)